Duncan Gibb: Highlights of the Renewables 2019 Global Status Report

The Renewables 2019 Global Status Report exposes the different speed of renewable energy development. Whereas a record 100 GW photovoltaic capacity was added in 2018, progress in heating cooling and transport is slow due to a lack of policy support. Duncan Gibb describes the encouraging as well as the alarming trends identified in the GSR 2019.

Gibb is member of the Research Direction Team of REN21 in France that authored and published the GSR 2019.
Video: Bärbel Epp, solrico
Camera: Randy Martin, IEA SHC
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Baerbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of solarthermalworld.org