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Newsletter January 2021

A new decade of growth is within our grasp. Ten years that will be crucial to transforming and decarbonising heat markets around the world. By 2030, solar thermal will need to be part of as many residential properties, factories and service sector buildings as possible – any heating system installed after that will most likely still be running in 2050.
The preparations for bringing solar heat to all corners of the globe are going well. In Europe alone, the sector has seen a tremendous amount of support: The European Solar Thermal Industry Pledge promoted via #SolariseHeat has been signed by more than 200 organisations. In addition, the IEA, IRENA and REN21 have joined forces to draw policymakers’ attention to heating and cooling solutions. Their November 2020 study highlighted solar heat and district heating as being two major paths to a cleaner world.
There is also a broad consensus that solar thermal storage will be a key driver of decarbonising energy systems globally, as noted by IRENA in a 150-page report published in December 2020.
Take part in the launch of this new era and let’s make sure that the industry’s message is heard loud and clear: Solar heat provides affordable energy, local jobs and allows decoupling generation from demand (Cartoon: Michael Hüter). 

Best of luck for your business ventures and campaigns in 2021
The Editorial Team
Great advocates join board of Brussels-based SHE

Over the next two years, Solar Heat Europe will be represented by both new and re-elected board members. While Costas Travasaros, CEO of Greek-based Prime Laser, will continue to serve as president, the organisation’s general assembly also voted in fresh faces, making the new SHE board the most globally diverse to date.

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Global thermal storage capacity to triple by 2030

In its latest Innovation Outlook report, IRENA discusses thermal energy storage use cases, policy-related challenges, and innovation needs in the coming decades. The authors expect an increase from an operational storage capacity of 234 GWh in 2019 to more than 800 GWh 10 years later.

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Denmark, Netherlands and Cyprus: Fastest-growing ST markets in 2019

Europe’s solar thermal markets keep growing, said Solar Heat Europe in a December press release. At the end of 2019, about 10.4 million solar thermal systems totalling 37 GWth were in operation across the EU and Switzerland, 3 % more than a year earlier.

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Surface synergies and conflicts in smart cities

Surface area is an important but limited resource in cities that aim to become climate neutral. Scientists at Italian institute Eurac have now developed a multi-factor approach to study the synergies and conflicts that arise from using ground, facade and roof space in urban communities.

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Spotlight on SDH potential in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria

Solar thermal will have a key role to play in growing western Europe’s SDH markets over the next decades. During a workshop in October Dutch, German and Austrian SDH experts updated attendees on the current situation and the potential in their respective markets.

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